We Are Dedicated To Assist Business Owners Out Of Debt. Our Success is Based on Hard Work, Integrity, Transparency, Solid Relationships and Industry Knowledge. We are in Partnership with our Clients until the Objective is met.

About US image
Meet our founders: Cynthia Ramsay and Bill Collins.

After 40+ combined years of providing solutions to Business Owners, Cynthia and Bill have developed a sensible process to tackle the challenge of overwhelming Business Debt. Our Professional Relationships and expertise in Debt Negotiation, provide our clients with confidence to achieve the objectives of freeing up cash flow, eliminating debt and maintaining your Business Relations.

SOS Debt Solutions understands the daily challenges of running a business. Not to mention the post-COVID recovery factors. Your next move will provide desperately needed relief. SOS DS does not overpromise and underdeliver. We deal with straight facts and realistic results.

When you are drowning in debt issues, you can trust your SOS Team. One conversation and you will know the difference. 

We look forward to assisting you! ~ Cynthia & Bill